"It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are." -Roy Disney
Man, oh man, oh man...choices. Choices are a huge part of life. We've all heard it..."For every action there is a reaction." Isn't that like some law of nature or something?! I don't know, but it should be if it's not because it is SO true. Whether the decision you make is positive or negative, there will be "consequences" for that choice.
I am learning, living, and experiencing this right now. I have made some great choices and I've made some not so great choices. But in the end, all of the decisions that I've made for the past 201/2 have made me into the person that I am today.
I entitled this post, My Vows, because from this day forth, with the help of My Father, big changes will be taking place in my life. I am ridiculously tired of me...and by that I mean I am tired of the way I'm living and want, no WHOLE HEARTEDLY DESIRE, a CHANGE. And with God's help, I'm sure 'nuff gonna get there!
So this post is dedicated to me and the changes WE (God and I) are making and the things I'm vowing not only to myself but to God (Yes, that just made it 2,000 times more serious!)
Without further ado, I present to you, My Vows
On this day, April 7, 2010 I, Ashli Brooke Johnson vow to:
-Put God FIRST always. Even when I THINK I've got it
-Read my Bible more so that I get a full, detailed understanding of my Father
-Take better care of myself...in all aspects of life. This includes taking care of my body, getting enough rest, not putting toxins and waste into my body, etc.
-Not let any man touch me or anything of that nature lest he be my HUSBAND
-Avoid things and people that bring me down and kill my spirit
-Pay better and more careful attention to my family/little sis
-Take care of the blessings God has given me
-Have more passion and heart for things that will not reward me in the end
-Get my joy back..and keep it
-Say what I mean and mean what I say
-Be honest..always. Even if the truth may hurt a little
-Discover me and stay true to myself
-Enjoy the simple things
-Practicewhat I preach
-Take part in things that my heart truly desire
-Not waste my God-given talent
-Pray that my mind and my heart find a common ground
-Love my enemies and do good to those who hurt me or are out to hurt me
-Not judge people..even in my mind
-Thank God more
-Forgive, forgive, forgive
-Talk to God more and seek His face on a daily basis
-Be the best ME that I was created to be and embrace who God has made me to be
-Strive to a mirror image of the woman described in Proverbs 31
These are My Vows and I'm sticking to them! It won't be easy but God didn't promise smooth sailing...He promised a safe landing and that is all that I expect.
I love God, I love you, and quite importantly...I'm learning to love me.
I thank God for life, air, His ever-so sufficient grace, and another day.
God bless you
-God's Lil Princess